from No One A-Bandons Me! by Don Cheney


It is therefore necessary to conceive of a parodic-serious stage where the accumulation of detourned elements, far from aiming at arousing indignation or laughter by alluding to some original work, will express our indifference toward a meaningless and forgotten original, and concern itself with rendering a certain sublimity.

-Guy Debord, Gil J. Wolman
from Les Leveres Nues #8, May 1956

I could feel the muscles in my body straining with an almost forgotten beat. My arms had a strength all their own and held her close to me, and still, while my fingers searched the secrets of her dress. Her breasts sprange free to me, the nipples burning, hard against my fingers. I knelt and pressed my lips between their tightened swell.

-Harold Robbins
from Never Leave Me

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